What is Call 4 Climate Action?

Call 4 Climate Action has a bold goal: reach 50,000 new or infrequent voters across the state and get them to pledge to vote pro-environment in both the Primary Election and the General Election. This effort seeks to defend climate progress and to elect climate champions to state and local office in 2024. The campaign launched on Earth Day and will run until Election Day in November.

Earth Day to Election Day – Call 4 Climate Action

Register here for the next campaign update meeting

When: Thursday, October 17, 2024 06:00 PM Pacific Time

How are you reaching voters?

We want to meet voters where they are. We are getting out in communities and employing a diverse set of organizing tactics.

The third Thursday of each month, we are phone banking in communities that are highly impacted by climate issues.  Using the Voter Action Network (VAN) we identified registered voters who are likely to vote in favor of environmental progress but are inactive or newly registered.  We then ask these people what issues they care most about when voting. We provide information on how to update their voter registration, where to drop off a ballot, and how to find information on local and state candidates. We also ask them if they will pledge to vote for pro-environment candidates and policies.

We are also planning a series of community events to build community power. We provide on-the-ground education and give voters ways to take action. These events range from tabling at partner events, to hosting large community engagement events such as art builds and climate festivals.  A list of all our events and timeline can be found on the ​​Call 4 Climate Action Roadmap.

What is the difference between Call 4 Climate Action and the No on I-2117 campaign?

The No on I-2117 Campaign is a statewide coalition-based campaign that includes of hundreds of businesses, non-profit organizations and individuals.  It is focused solely on connecting with voters across the state and urging them to pledge to vote NO on Initiative 2117, which would repeal Washington’s landmark carbon pricing law, that makes polluters pay for the damage they cause. Washington Conservation Action is a part of this coalition and has provided support.   

Call 4 Climate Action is a completely separate campaign that is funded and managed by Washington Conservation Action. Call 4 Climate Action focuses on defending climate progress and electing climate champions in state and local offices.  Voting No on I-2117 is a part of defending climate progress, but it is not the only way to vote in favor of climate justice and climate progress in this election cycle.  

Join a monthly meeting:

Washington Conservation Action and partners from across the state are building momentum and awareness for people and the environment ahead of the 2024 election. Help us gather Pledges to Vote, motivate our friends and family, and keep up the call for climate action from Earth Day to Election Day. Call 4 Climate Action will meet every 3rd Thursday until the November 5 election.

Monthly meeting every third Thursday, Register here:

Call 4 Climate Action recurring event:

Questions? Email kat@waconservationaction.org

Volunteer Code of Conduct:

WCA volunteers are expected to be respectful when working with our programs. Please take a moment to read our Volunteer Code of Conduct.


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