Our Puget Sound & Salmon Goals

Current Coalitions


We Are Puget Sound

We Are Puget Sound is an advocacy campaign and new book that amplifies the stories of people working to protect and restore the Salish Sea by connecting each of us to the places we love and offering actions you can take to further recovery.

Orca Action Month

June is Orca Action Month! Join us for a month of educational and celebratory events to raise awareness of the threats facing the iconic and culturally significant endangered Southern Resident orca population and what we can do to protect them and salmon which they depend on.

People For Puget Sound

For nearly 30 years, People For Puget Sound and Washington Conservation Action (formerly Washington Environmental Council) worked together to protect the Salish Sea. As of 2012, People For Puget Sound is a program of Washington Conservation Action. Together, we helped establish the Puget Sound Partnership, ensured the State adopted stronger permits to curb polluted runoff, secured the nation’s strongest oil spill prevention and response safeguards for marine waters, ensured communities adopted strong environmental safeguards for marine shorelines, pushed for statewide funding of clean water projects and toxic cleanups, and advocated for recovery measures to address the threats facing the iconic and culturally significant endangered Southern Resident orca population.

Puget Sound News


Biden Admin Sets a Clear Path to Breach Four Lower Snake River dams

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Visit Our #WeArePugetSound exhibit at Burke Museum, Seattle

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9/30 Earth Gay Burien Event Brings Environmental and LGBTQIA+ Community Together

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The work to support Washington’s environment is vital. You can directly help by Attending an Event, Volunteering for WCA, Donate, Work for Us and Contacting Your Rep.
Find more options in our Action Center.