November 1st, 2023 (1-5pm PST)
Session I: Small Forest Landowners, Carbon Markets and Carbon Offsets
- Richard Pine & Debra Pine, O’Neill Pine Company
- Title: Forest Carbon Works & Small Forest Landowner Experiences in the Carbon Market.
- Sandy Letzing, Forest Carbon Works; & David Bugni, Small Forest Landowner
- Title: Carbon Markets for Forest Management: State of the Market
- Julius Pasay & Jeremy Koslowski, The Climate Trust
November 8th, 2023 (1-5pm PST)
Session II: Forest & Carbon Science for management in the Pacific Northwest
- Max Wright, Conservation International
- Title: Increasing carbon storage in the working forests of Canada and the United States
- Amy Clark Eagle, Forest Stewardship Council US
- Title: Assessing a Community’s Greenhouse Gas Impact from Forests & Trees using the LEARN tool
- Cindy Jayne, Jefferson County Climate Action Committee; & Catharine Copass, Olympic Forest Coalition
- Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz, Department of Natural Resources
November 15th, 2023 (1-5pm PST)
Session III: Climate Smart Wood and Supply Chains
- Aaron Everett, Climate Smart Wood Group; Micah Stanovsky, Sustainable Northwest; Seth Zuckerman, Northwest Natural Resource Group; Brent Davies, Vibrant Planet Data Commons
- Steve Rigdon, Yakama Forest Products; Ryan Sanchey, Yakama Nation; & Brad Rodakowski, Prime Forest Products
- Carbon Reduction Strategy, Microsoft
- Title: Driving Action on Embodied Carbon in Buildings
- Wes Sullens, U.S. Green Building Council