These are the handouts that were available for download in the webinar sessions:

Session: Leveraging the Potential of Natural Climate Solutions in Washington State

Handout: Robertson et al. “Leveraging the potential of nature to meet net zero greenhouse gas emissions in Washington State”

Session: Opportunities for Transparency and Carbon Calculations for the Wood Supply Chain


Session: Carbon Offset Projects: Compliance and Voluntary Market Approaches

Handout: Natural Capital Exchange (NCX) 2022 Winter Cycle Information

Session: Collaborative Forest Restoration: A Win-Win for People and Nature


  • Books recommended:
    • Forgotten Fires: Native Americans and the Transient Wilderness, by Omer Stewart
    • Tending the Wild: Native American Knowledge and the Management of California’s Natural Resources, by M. Kat Anderson

Session: The Climate Commitment Act (CCA)

Handout: CCA Comment Period Info